The story revolves around Nella, who becomes increasingly concerned when her husband, Eric, starts acting strangely and says he needs some space. He mentions sleeping in his car for several nights, which leads Nella to suspect he may be cheating. Despite his reassurances that there’s no one else, Nella’s anxiety grows. She eventually follows Eric to the local park, where he spends the nights alone in his car. On the tenth night, Nella confronts him, demanding the truth. Eric reveals he has cancer, a tumor that is rapidly progressing, and he has been recording bedtime stories for their children to leave them memories of him after his death.
The emotional revelation changes Nella’s understanding of the situation. Eric had been preparing for his passing, but wanted to shield her from the devastating news. As the months pass, he spends time with their children, trying to create lasting memories, but the disease proves relentless. After Eric’s death, Nella listens to one of the recordings he made, where he speaks to her lovingly, leaving her with a bittersweet reminder of their love. The story highlights themes of love, loss, and the quiet sacrifices made in the face of impending death.