Women Explain >>> 

I love orgasms. Amazing, I know! I think I deserve them—every woman does. When a guy finishes and rolls over, I think, “Oh no, he did not just do that.” If your sex life is an anti-climax zone because your partner isn’t delivering, it’s time to teach him how to make you come. If he’s getting his, you should too. Fair is fair.

When I told my friends about this article, I asked if they’ve ever had to teach a guy to get them there. One friend admitted, “I don’t think I’ve ever had the balls to do that.” Honestly, same. I used to fake it just to boost his ego—insane, right? But some of my more enlightened friends were like, “If by ever, you mean always, then yes.” Clearly, teaching isn’t uncommon.

The key? Positive reinforcement. Guide him like a GPS: “Right there,” “Harder,” “More tongue.” Stay encouraging, not critical. Whisper instructions, moan for emphasis, or even make it a game. Because you deserve an orgasm, bb—don’t let him be lazy.

also read….

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