10 Fascinating Things You Didn’t Know About Babies

Babies are wonderful and mysterious little beings, full of surprises that can astonish even the most experienced parents. While much is known about these tiny humans, there are still plenty of lesser-known facts that highlight just how remarkable they truly are. Here are ten fascinating things you probably didn’t know about babies.

1. Their First Poop Doesn’t Stink Believe it or not, a newborn’s first poop, known as meconium, doesn’t have any odor. This thick, sticky, tar-like substance is made up of materials ingested while in the womb, such as amniotic fluid, mucus, and skin cells. Because it doesn’t contain the bacteria that develop in the intestines after birth, it lacks the typical smell of later bowel movements.

2. Sometimes Infants Stop Breathing It might sound alarming, but it’s not unusual for newborns to have irregular breathing patterns. This phenomenon, known as periodic breathing, involves brief pauses in breathing that last about 5-10 seconds. It’s most common during sleep and typically resolves as the baby grows. However, if you ever have concerns about your baby’s breathing, it’s always best to consult a pediatrician.

3. Their Tonsils Have Taste Buds Yes, you read that right. Babies have taste buds not only on their tongues but also on the roofs of their mouths and even on their tonsils. This extensive array of taste receptors makes them quite sensitive to different flavors, which is why introducing solid foods can be an interesting journey for both the baby and the parents.

4. They Cry Without Tears, at First Newborns are certainly capable of crying, but they don’t produce tears right away. Their tear ducts aren’t fully developed at birth, so they can only produce enough moisture to keep their eyes healthy. Typically, true tears start flowing when the baby is about two weeks to two months old.

5. Newborns Have Breasts Both male and female newborns can have swollen, enlarged breasts due to exposure to maternal hormones in the womb. This condition, called neonatal breast hypertrophy, is perfectly normal and usually disappears within a few weeks as the hormones leave the baby’s system.

6. They Like to Face Right Studies have shown that about 70% of newborns prefer to turn their heads to the right when lying on their backs. This preference is believed to be linked to the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex, which helps develop hand-eye coordination. The tendency typically diminishes by around three months of age.

7. They Have More of Certain Brain Cells Babies are born with about 100 billion neurons, but they also have more synaptic connections than adults. This abundance of synapses allows for rapid learning and development during the early years. As babies grow and learn, their brains prune unnecessary connections, refining their neural pathways for more efficient functioning.

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8. Baby Boys Get Erections It might be surprising, but it’s entirely normal for baby boys to experience erections, even from birth. These are often just natural responses to touch, air, or a full bladder. It’s a healthy sign of normal physiological function and nothing to be concerned about.

9. They Recognize Their Mother’s Voice at Birth From the moment they are born, babies can recognize their mother’s voice. This recognition stems from their time in the womb, where they could hear and become familiar with her voice. This familiarity helps strengthen the bond between mother and child and provides comfort to the newborn.

10. They Have a Reflex to Swim Newborns have an innate swimming or diving reflex, known as the bradycardic response. When placed in water, they will naturally hold their breath, open their eyes, and move their arms and legs in a swimming motion. This reflex typically fades by around six months of age.

Babies are undoubtedly complex and wondrous beings, full of quirks and surprises that underscore the incredible nature of human development. Understanding these fascinating facts can deepen our appreciation and awe for the journey of growth and discovery that every newborn embarks upon. Whether you’re a new parent, an expecting one, or simply curious, these insights offer a glimpse into the remarkable world of babies.

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